B2B Marketing Insights | Open Path Digital

B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment – Best Practices

Written by Molly Clark | May 8, 2023

Are you feeling the pressure of running a business and juggling a million things at once? We've all been there. And just when you thought you had everything under control, you discover that your marketing team is capturing leads left and right, but something's just not clicking. The messaging they're using to lure in potential customers is falling flat, and you're not getting the kind of leads you need to close the sale.

That's where things can get frustrating. Your marketing team should be your ace in the hole, driving leads and educating your target audience in a way that primes them for a sales pitch. But if they're not hitting the right notes, you're missing out on big opportunities.

This is a common problem between sales and marketing teams.  In fact, we see many companies that have issues with this relationship. The good news is that with the experience of Open Path Digital behind you, we can help clear up these issues and share with you some sales and marketing alignment best practices. 


Let’s take a look at some ways to help sales and marketing teams work together in harmony.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Best Practices


In our experience, we see one of two things between sales and marketing teams: Either they don’t speak at all to each other and work as two separate entities, or if they do speak, it’s in two totally different languages. The marketing team discusses visitor traffic, social media posts, and email open rates. Sales talks about qualified leads and deals won. Both teams do not have a common language to communicate.

So How Do You Align Your Sales and Marketing Teams?

By using Hubspot and bringing in Open Path Digital as your translator and using HubSpot training sales and marketing alignment strategies, we can help fix this language barrier. Our team can show you marketing tools within the software to attract your customers with inbound marketing. HubSpot offers many tools to create landing pages, email campaigns, and even ways to capture the leads that are being attracted to your website. There are also ways that the marketing team can analyze the data and fix what isn’t working so they can continually improve and make updates to help bring in the most qualified leads for the sales team.

Then, we can work with your sales team to engage your potential customers with the same software. Sales teams can utilize several features, including email sequences, that can help keep the conversation going with a potential customer.  And once a customer is ready to purchase, HubSpot now offers ways to send quotes!

This seamless use of data can help both marketing and sales communicate in one software platform and work together. With our guidance, we can break down the language barrier between these teams so that we can help you delight your customers and bring sales and marketing into alignment.



Sales and Marketing Alignment with HubSpot


You’re busy.  You don’t have time to play referee between these two teams in your organization. You also want to make sure that everyone is working as efficiently as possible so that the work is getting done and deals are being closed. But you can’t be everywhere at once and you can’t be involved with every single deal.

Here’s what you do: Get a system that works for everyone, including yourself, and get up to speed on sales and marketing alignment best practices.

To align your marketing and sales team, you need a software system that can bring everyone together in one place. HubSpot can do just that.  Hubspot gives your marketing team the capability to analyze and fine-tune their messaging so that they are bringing in qualified leads for the sales team. Hubspot’s CRM can house all of the leads that the marketing team brings in and sales can have access to it in real time. Hubspot also offers automation tools to eliminate repetitive tasks that bog down your sales team. This means freeing up their time to close more deals.

Related Content – How to Use Website Analytics to Drive Business Growth


And, with Hubspot’s Analytics Tools, you can set up reports to do your own analysis on what’s working and what’s not. Checking on how marketing campaigns are performing and which salespeople are closing the most deals is now a few simple clicks away! And with the capability to personalize your reporting dashboards, you can save hours of digging through endless reports and only look at the data that you need. So you can spend less time digging around for information and more time making decisions to grow your business.



Digital Brand Alignment with Open Path


With the guidance of an experienced marketing agency like Open Path that stays up-to-date with Hubspot sales and marketing alignment training, you can break down language barriers between your teams and make working together an enjoyable and seamless experience. We have worked with many B2B companies and helped them craft their messaging, reduce friction points for their sales team, and increase their company’s ROI.

Make an appointment today and we will analyze the relationship between your sales and marketing teams and help you bring them together in harmony. Let us help you grow your business and make a great working environment for everyone!