B2B Marketing Insights | Open Path Digital

Stop Losing Leads with HubSpot Sales Hub Implementation and Onboarding

Written by Molly Clark | August 24, 2021

Losing a lead is a big deal.  What’s worse is if you lose the lead yourself.  And I don’t mean by your sales team working the lead and then they decide to go another direction with a different company.

What I’m talking about is when the lead simply gets dropped. You put the lead’s information into your company’s CRM and nothing happens. The lead sits in the system, lost in cyberspace, and your sales team doesn’t contact them.

With multiple software systems being used by a single sales team, this happens all of the time. Having so many systems to keep up to date with can make for a frustrated salesforce, which, in turn, leads to a frustrated sales manager and CEO.  


HubSpot Sales Hub – A Single CRM for Your Entire Team

What if there was a way to keep every detail of an interaction with a potential client in one spot? What if there was a way for multiple sales reps and managers to access this “one source of truth” to look at deal forecasting and make informed decisions to boost their ROI?


Here’s the good news – there is such a place! Hubspot’s Sales Hub tools can provide many ways for you to have these things and more. And, by leveraging the experience of a certified HubSpot partner, you can get help with your Hubspot Sales Hub implementation and develop a strategic plan to boost your sales to get the most out of your investment. Sounds amazing, right?

Let’s look at three ways to stop losing leads with Hubspot Sales Hub.


#1 – Have All of Your Sales Information in One Place 


With Hubspot Sales Hub, you can store all of your sales information with just one piece of software. Instead of keeping contact information, call logs, past quotes, and email correspondence in different places, everything can be documented within the Hubspot Sales Hub.

This can be a real game-changer for your business. With Hubspot Sales Hub, your team can use one CRM without the risk of losing a lead in the shuffle of transferring information from one software system to the next.  

Plus, with everything in Hubspot Sales Hub, your sales team only has to learn how to use one system, making the onboarding process so much easier! That means you can spend less time training your team on multiple systems and more time closing deals.


#2 – Have Tools that Make for Timely and Consistent Communication


Don’t you hate it when there’s a hot lead, and then a sales rep can’t get back to the lead until a few days later and that lead’s gone cold? How frustrating! But, with Hubspot Sales Hub implementation support from an onboarding partner, you can easily be shown the tools that are at your disposal to reach out to leads consistently and as often as you would like!

Take tools for automation as an example: With these, you can learn how to reach out to a client to touch base only moments after the lead has given you their contact information. With this in place, leads are much less likely to fall through the cracks.

Automation tools within Hubspot Sales Hub are also a great way to have consistent communication within your sales teams. An onboarding partner can show you how to set up these tools to alert your sales team of a lead’s progress through the buyer’s journey, as well as who has communicated with them from your company. Without taking time out of their day, a sales rep can look at the CRM, see who from the team has emailed the lead, and look at the correspondence. Your team can spend less time digging through emails and more time closing deals!

#3 – Have a Strategic Partner Help You Leverage Your Investment for the Best ROI


Which Hubspot Sales Hub feature to use and how to implement it is different for each company. Your company is unique and so is your potential customer. The strategic perspective is key in implementing HubSpot Sales Hub with the highest ROI.

At Open Path Digital Solutions, we have a lot of experience taking sales teams to the next level. We have a proven track record of helping B2B companies experience sales growth.  Check out our Case Study of one of our clients. As their strategic partner, we helped increase their new business dollars quoted by 21X.

Ready to see more deals close and stop losing leads? Schedule a Discovery Call with us so that we can begin planning your future success today!